Thursday, October 09, 2008


In the next six days I will:

Go to school: 32 Hours

Practice for All-state: 3 Hours

Prep for Junior Youth: 2 Hours

Contact Junior Youth: 2 Hours

Homework: 5 Hours (at least)

All-State Tryouts: 2 Hours

Marching Competition: 7.5 Hours

Hold Junior Youth: 3 Hours (including set-up, etc)

Practice for Marching Band: 2 Hours

Attend a Devotional/Fireside: 3 Hours

Attend a Ruhi session: 2 Hours

Sleep: 48 Hours

Hold Children's Class: 2 Hours

Visit Children's Parents w/ Information: 2 Hours

Write an Informative Speech: 8 Hours

Cut a Serious Prose Speech: 4 Hours

Practice said Speeches: 4 Hours

Do Chores: 5 Hours

Create a flier for parents: 1 Hour

Set up a Fireside/Devotional for next Sunday: 4 Hours

Total: 141.5 Hours

Total Hours in 6 days: 144 Hours

Okay. So maybe I can cut back on sleep.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not whining. I mean, I love what I'm doing. I absolutely
love it. I can't remember a time when I've ever been happier. Seriously. But the thing is, my body doesn't really care if I'm happy. Notice I didn't include cooking and eating on that list? I have to do those things, but I can't find time. As I'm doing this, I'm also doing an assignment for Alg2 and trying to think of what I want on my sandwich for dinner.

Bottom line: My body is ceasing to function well. I can't do all of this and continue to work properly. I need a break really bad, but where in the world am I going to find the time?

I love you all so much. So very very much.


juicemilk said...

Cassie, my dear!

I see that you're learning about that "overstretched" feeling, and the toll it takes on your body. I think it's beautiful because everything that you're doing is so worthwhile! Just remember that it's an intense learning process, sometimes involving simply trusting that you're doing your best, and I saw that your last post was about confirmations :). Maybe your body will learn to adapt to a little less sleep; maybe also sometimes when you need it the most, something will get canceled somewhere and you'll find the time to catch up on something else. Maybe sometimes you'll beat your head against the wall and cry out in exhaustion and be glowing with the heat of tribulation. And you'll be beautiful, whatever is happening :)

I love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.