Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ten Things I Like About Me

Talieh tagged me...This will be hard for me. Give it a shot, huh?

1) I love my ability to get along with my brother. Honestly, how many little sisters will tell you that their big bro is probably their best friend? My brother's spirit, humor, and individuality keep me sane sometimes.

2) This is going to sound odd, but I love just being me! I love that I can keep to my personality, whether I'm in a group of friends, family, Baha'is, adults, or little kids. The way I talk, my opinions, my thoughts and patterns don't change. I think it makes me predictable, or at least easier to be around.

3) I like the way I can tell a story and watch a kid's eyes light up with interest. It's a talent I only started developing a few months ago, but I love it. I love watching a child learn something, and want to learn it.

4) I have to agree with Talieh...I love that I'm a Baha'i. 'nuff said...

5) I like that I'm willing to try most anything at least once. Whether it be food, singing, Speech team, teaching...I like that just because they scare me and I may not be good enough at them, I'll always try.

6) I like that people see me as responsible. I don't ever have to say that I am a responsible, people will automatically ask me to watch their kid, or run something to the post office for them. It makes me smile to know that I'm trusted.

7) I like that I can cook! Not many people my age can cook for their family. I have my mom to thank for that.

8) Now for the really superficial one. I like my eyes. They're a pretty unique color, and my lashes are long enough that I won't ever need mascara. Hooray for my best facial feature being hidden behind glasses!

9) I love that I'm decent with musical instruments. Everything I've tried, I've been able to pick up pretty quickly. I can't sing worth a dime, but I love music. I'm glad I can express that some way.

10) Finally, I like that while there are people who won't say they like me, there aren't really people who dislike me. At least not openly. It's pretty cool to know most everyone is at ease with you.

I think I got them all, unless I miscounted. I don't really have anyone to tag.

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